Acupuncture is becoming more prevalent as an alternative or complementary therapy to western medicine, many first time patients do not know what to expect on their first visit.With the wide variety of acupuncture available and the wide variety of techniques for Licensed Acupuncture,
Times A Week For Ordinary Patients
Once A Week For Chronic Patients
Treatment Session Times
After acupuncture, massage, cupping and/or any other type of body work, you should not take a shower or go swimming for 12-24 hours. This allows the treatment to remain in the body undisturbed.
No acupuncture should never be painful! Although every practitioner has their own style, all of our therapists share the same belief that if you are uncomfortable while receiving care, your body won’t heal. We encourage patient feedback to let us know if a point doesn’t’ feel good or is painful and we’ll adjust the needle or remove it. Clinical acupuncture needles are SUPER thin and not meant to do anything else than stimulate a tiny spot.
Needle retention depends on your condition and what other modalities we are incorporating into your treatment (such as cupping). Usually we retain needles anywhere between 10-30 minutes.
That depends on how long you have had a condition and how severe it is. The longer and more serious a condition is, usually will indicate you will require more treatments. We do find that the sweet spot is usually around 3-5 sessions to start seeing results whether that be a reduction in pain, increased mobility etc. We will have a better idea of how many acupuncture treatments you will require after we assess your health intake and complete the first session. We will work with you to make sure you can manage bookings that align with your budget and schedule. We rarely suggest patients come more than 1/week. We do not believe in high pressure or over booking tactics.
No. We are strong at treating health conditions and are experienced at providing all of our core services including cupping, cosmetic acupuncture, fertility acupuncture, moxibustion, and facial cupping. To help you choose a therapist you can learn more about our individual education and experience in our bio section.
We are a general, high-volume clinic and all of us can effectively treat any condition for a clinical acupuncture appointment. We are experienced at fixing all health conditions. Our reputation for hiring skilled and caring practitioners that can help any health condition extends to all therapists that work at Acupuncture Center Iswanah
● Patients for cosmetic acupuncture within 10 weeks of other procedures (botox,injections cosmetic surgery).
● Those with contagious disease that may compromise our staff’s health including the flu and shingles.
● 3rd party billing cases including direct and WSIB
If you are unsure if we are able to treat your condition, please reach out to us to determine if we can help.
Acupuncture wellness center focuses on the electrical energy that flows through the Meridian system and organs. Energy, also referred to as life force or Qi, travels throughout the body via 14 channels known as meridians. When the Qi is obstructed, the flow of energy is disrupted, which can cause pain and illness.
The energy is rebalanced and obstructions are removed by inserting hair-fine needles into particular acupuncture points throughout the channels, allowing Qi to circulate and restoring equilibrium between the body's opposing forces of Yin and Yang. Iswanah Healthcare is a well-known wellness acupuncture clinic in Kuala Lumpur. We are deeply committed to health and longevity at our acupuncture wellness center. We collaborate with you to provide superior health care that is individually suited to your needs. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine have tremendous capabilities, which you can experience here. At the wellness acupuncture clinic, we deliver effective natural healthcare.
The Chinese put it to the test in record speed! We offer efficient remedies to many common and complex health concerns, whether you have musculoskeletal injuries, organ imbalance, or an emotional issue. We treat both the symptoms and the underlying cause of your sickness. Many of our patients tell us that they have sought every sort of treatment for their severe ailment. As a result, many are pleasantly pleased with how speedily their symptoms improve with our treatment approaches. We offer the highest quality acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, and diet to get you back on track quickly.
Iswanah Acupuncture Batu Caves
6-G, Plaza Makmur, Jalan Batu Caves Taman Batu Caves, 68100 Batu Caves, Selangor.
03-6188 2955 / Customer Service : 019-3171200
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